Tekvel Park
A digital substation lifecycle management system that supports engineers at various stages of project implementation: from design to routine maintenance
Tekvel Park system has a modular structure comprising data aquisition and processing modules (LVB) and data storage, processing, analysis and visualisation server with remote HMI user-interface (TPS). Users connect to TPS with remote HMIs through secured connection
Store SCD files and allow shared access
Version control for SCD files, changes tracking and reverting to previous versions
Validation of SCL files, checking the integrity of the configuration, searching for errors and configuration flaws
Supervise configuration clearness and check for optimization options
Verify actual data flow matches configuration
Track data and quality changes
View data changes on timeline
Independent monitoring of normal and simulated data
Verify no GOOSE or SV losses on the network
Monitoring of unauthorized access and threats, such as the appearance of unconfigured GOOSE and SV messages on the network
Monitor cyber security threats such as non-configured GOOSE or SV messages on the network
Record events triggered by any data or quality changes with pre-trigger conditions